There are many really inspiring door catalogues and websites showing plenty of door models, from the classics to some truly creative works of art.
Rarely however, will you find such a collection of doors showing models in the context of their use, within the framework of an architect’s or property owner’s peripheral settings and dressings. All the doors in our Idea Gallery are in use in the real world. Some we installed. Some we tuned-up or repaired. Some of them simply caught my eye as I have traveled over the years meeting with clients to discuss their projects.
No matter your experience, exposure or expertise, I can still pretty much guarantee that you will easily find a door model variation or two or three that you have never seen or maybe even imagined before. And yes, there will be several gaudy or ugly ones, but that can be fun too.
If you have an appreciation for such things, or if you’re looking for ideas for designing a custom door with your personal imprint, or want ideas about how to dress up the surroundings of your front entry way, you’ll likely find some inspiration in our Idea Gallery.