We’re calling this project “Generic Vinyl,” because the windows were provided by the client.
“Before Shot” They may be a line of Loewen Vinyl windows, we’re not certain, because our paperwork didn’t record the brand.
“In Process Shot” We did do the “MEASURE” on this job for the client, but he procured the windows himself, so by the time we got around to putting this on our web-site…
“After Shot” …we had no reasonable way to trace back to find what brand they were.
“After Shot”
“Before Shot”
“After Shot” Here’s an example of how to dress-up some of those drab split-level front entryways. No, the color-scheme was not our idea.
“Before Shot”
“Before Shot” Every window in the house was replaced.
After Shot…You can see the time it took to order the windows from the time we measured for them…look at the garden.