An eloquently restored and remodeled home up off of Skyline Road (Thompson Rd).
No money was spared to have replica fir wood casement windows manufactured by a local sash shop. As many people know…
…casement sash typically swing out to the exterior like an outswing door. Like many modern wood windows, these sash were designed to incorporate…
…true-divided, insulated glass. Unlike many modern wood windows, these windows have no cladding on the exterior and minimal weatherstripping on the jambs only.
The problem? Location, location, location. The skyline areas infamous, brutally extreme wind-driven weather skirting across the skyline of the Portland’s west hills.
If there’s a nook or a cranny to be found in any kind of structure up here, you know that the wind driven weather is going to find it. Behold, one of the consequences of clear-coating the interior side of these windows.
Painted window & doors are subject to moistures adverse effects as well, but less so. Note, like outswing doors, the reveal (space) between the sash & the jambs are exposed to the exterior. So the wind-driven-rain is jet-streamed into those spaces, allowing…
…the moisture to test every seam created by where the varying sash components connect and wicking itself up under the clear-coat finish via the wood-grain which is designed to wick moisture. Upon being asked…almost begged to help find a…
…solution, we clad the lower-sides and bottoms of the most vulnerable sash with a light-gauge aluminum sheet-metal with an adhesive. For the record, it should be stated that we also are called upon to repair and replace hundreds of the latest…