Avamere at Bethany is an assisted Living & Care facility
In N.W. Portland.
One among many of the very nice care facilities we’ve seen spring up around town the past several decades.
Around back they have a set of exterior doors leading to a relatively secluded courtyard…
…that is frequently accessed by the facility population who sometimes need help getting the door open.
So we were asked to provide a proposal to install a handicap door operator for use during the day time.
They still wanted to lock the door at night, but unless expensive electronic locks and coded keypads are considered, the door is going to need to remain unlocked during the day.
Added to the requirements was the desire for the door be self-locking after-hours so as to avoid it being left unlocked.
The Schlage B250P6 Night Deadlatch was just the ticket. Note: The new Push & Pull Plates cover the old keylock prep.
In the daytime, the latch can be left retracted via a button on the interior side. And although it may look like a deadbolt at a glance, that’s a latch…not a bolt, so if someone goes out at night, the door will close and latch by itself.
Here we have a shot of the interior trim having been removed while our technician Brandon (not shown) installs the Falcon 8242 Handicap Operator Mounting Bracket.
You may enlarge the photo for a closer view by clicking on it.
After finishing the installation of the operator, the interior trim is cut to fit around the operator for a finished professional looking installation. Electrical service was provided via “Squires Electric” (http://www.squireselectric.com/) who referred us for this project. Thank you!